Clear, compelling message frameworks that draw in the right customers.

You know you’ve got a great brand or business, but things have changed.

Maybe you’ve changed who you serve, how you help them, or you’ve redefined your goals.

You know where you want to go, but there’s a disconnect between what you’re putting out in the world and what your business is capable of.

You’re done with wasting time on the wrong leads, marketing that goes nowhere, and missed opportunities.

You’re ready for clear, consistent, and compelling messages to help take your business to the next level.

Website copywriter

Make your brand the go-to-choice

Connect with the customers you want to work with

Keep front of mind with the right people

Make it easy for your ideal clients to choose your business

Share consistent messages across all platforms

Get your marketing foundations right and ready for amplification

Brand messaging guidelines

Your brand messaging guidelines clearly define your brand and how it will be communicated to the world. It is a foundational document that can then be used in sales proposals, marketing content (such as your website), PR, and more.

It will clarify your positioning, outline key messages, and create consistency to help attract the right audience. Importantly, it also saves time (and costs) when creating future marketing and sales assets.

Your comprehensive brand messaging guidelines include:

  • Tagline options for your website homepage.
  • Key brand messaging pillars capturing what you want to communicate consistently with your audience.
  • Product or service positioning statement(s) highlighting the benefits and differentiators of your product or service.
  • Customer persona overview(s) outlining your ideal customers’ needs, paint points, and motivations.
  • Business or personal bio to use in your About Page, LinkedIn, and sales pitches.
  • Brand tone of voice overview to help keep a consistent, recognisable voice across all your communications.


  • A content idea summary based on the interviews, research, and workshop to use in your content marketing.
  • An implementation cheat sheet, full of ideas on how and where to use your brand messaging guidelines across your business.   

Diana is an absolute star! She is a delight to work with, bringing a fresh, considered and balanced approach with significant tangible value to every project.

Rochelle Serry

Think Hatch Communications

The Messaging Makeover process


Project kick-off

We’ll kick things off by meeting to deep-dive into your business, clarify goals, and schedule the Message Makeover workshop.


Research and planning

I’ll gather valuable insights from desktop research, mining customer feedback, and customer interviews to prepare for our workshop.


We’ll explore the research findings, gather insights, and brainstorm ideas for your brand’s messaging and positioning.


You’ll receive the first draft of your brand messaging guidelines, which we can refine and finalise together. 

Your brand messaging specialist

Knowledge seeker. Idea connector. Word wrangler. 

Communicating with clarity and purpose is a superpower I’ve been honing since the days of dial-up internet.

Thanks to my diverse work history in marketing, product, communications, and sales, I know how to connect the dots fast and dig deep to find the ‘ah-huh!’ details that help nail your messaging. I ask the right questions, care about doing quality work, and will call out ideas I don’t think will stick (and explain why).


What kind of business do you work with?

The Messaging Makeover works best for service-based businesses or SaaS brands.

Typically, my clients own or work for businesses that are doing well but have outgrown their current online presence. They’re looking to target new audiences, upsell to existing clients, or grow their revenue, and they recognise the story they’re telling about their business is holding them back.

They are founders or members of lean marketing teams who understand the value of clear, consistent, and compelling messaging but don’t have the in-house skills or the budget to justify agency fees. They’re looking for a nimble freelance expert to help them specifically with brand messaging and/or copywriting.

Can I use the same messages across different marketing assets?

Yes and no.

You can use the messages wherever you need them, including your website, LinkedIn profile, proposal documents and more. Having consistent messages across all channels helps build credibility and trust. However, messages will need to be adapted according to the channel. You can learn more about that below.

What’s the difference between messaging and copywriting?

Generally, messaging covers what you want to say, while copywriting covers how you want to say it and is adjusted according to the channel.

While messaging does include copy, it only makes up part of the copy you need. For example, key messages can be directly ‘copied-and-pasted’ for your website. However, you will need additional copy strategically mapped out to help the reader stop scrolling, stay on the page, and persuade them to take action.

Can you write the copy for me?

As an experienced copywriter, of course.

Once you’re clear on your messaging strategy, I can write copy for core marketing assets such as websites, LinkedIn pages, and sales proposals. Having messaging guidelines removes the guesswork, seriously cuts down on revision time (and costs), and produces better outcomes for you and your audience. I can also create other key content marketing assets, such as lead magnets and case studies.

We found Diana’s approach fresh, honest, and responsive. She’s a great copywriter who takes the time to understand your business and produce quality work.

Laura Hamod Barnes

CEO, Connected Digital

Ready to give your brand the makeover it deserves?